Sonkragkombinasie bokse are crucial components in solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, used to combine and protect the wiring from multiple solar panels. These boxes are responsible for bringing together the output from multiple solar strings and providing a consolidated output for further connection to inverters or charge controllers. The main types of solar combiner boxes include:
DC Combiner Boxes:
Standaard DCKombineer boks: This type combines the DC outputs from multiple solar strings before they reach the inverter. It typically includes overcurrent protection devices such as fuses or circuit breakers for each string to ensure safety and prevent damage in case of faults.
String-Level Monitering Combiner Box: Sommige kombinasie bokse sluit monitering vermoëns op die string vlak. Dit maak voorsiening vir intydse monitering van die werkverrigting van individuele stringe, wat help om kwessies soos skaduwee of wanfunksies in spesifieke panele te identifiseer.
Optimizing Combiner Box: In systems with power optimizers or microinverters, the combiner box may include additional components to optimize the power output of each panel independently.
AC Combiner Boxes:
AC Combiner Box: In sommige sonkraginstallasies, veral dié wat mikro-omskakelaars of AC-modules gebruik, word kombinasiebokse aan die AC-kant gebruik om die uitset van veelvuldige omsetters te konsolideer voordat dit aan die hoof elektriese paneel gekoppel word.
Bi-polêre kombinasiebokse:
Bi-polêr of BipolêrKombineer boks: Hierdie kombinasiebokse word gebruik in stelsels met beide positiewe en negatiewe aarding. Hulle is ontwerp om beide polariteite van GS-spannings te hanteer en is noodsaaklik in sekere soorte sonkraginstallasies.
Hybrid Combiner Boxes:
Hybrid Combiner Box: In hibriede sonkragstelsels wat beide sonkrag- en ander kragbronne insluit, soos wind of 'n kragopwekker, kan 'n hibriede kombinasieboks gebruik word. Hierdie boks kombineer die uitsette van verskeie bronne voordat dit aan die laaibeheerder of omskakelaar gekoppel word.
Pasgemaakte kombinasiebokse:
Pasgemaakte kombinasiebokse: Afhangende van die spesifieke vereistes van 'n sonkraginstallasie, kan pasgemaakte kombinasiebokse ontwerp word om aan unieke spesifikasies te voldoen. Dit kan addisionele kenmerke insluit, soos oplewingbeskerming, weerligafleiers of ander gespesialiseerde komponente.
When selecting a solar combiner box, it's important to consider the specific requirements of the solar installation, including the number of strings, the type of inverters or charge controllers being used, and any monitoring or safety features needed for the system. Additionally, adherence to local electrical codes and regulations is crucial for the safe and compliant installation of solar combiner boxes.